I'm having a senior moment here, can someone help? In the first picture you see a vacuum hose which is connected to the driver side of the carburetor (manifold vacuum) and runs to the rear of the intake manifold (second picture). This goes to a manifold vacuum port fitting, correct? Would anything else connect or run off of the manifold vacuum port fitting?
Not sure why the "T" is there.(where's the other hose off the T running to?) The transmission modulator valve normally gets it's vacuum from the fitting at the rear of the intake. If that's where the carb hose is routed to (the fitting at the rear of the intake) you can just plug the port on the carb and ditch that hose to "clean up" the intake.
That's where I'm having the senior moment, I.m trying to put it back together the way it came apart. Here is what I have/had; Off of the front of the carb; (edelbrock 500cfm on a performer 289 intake) -Passenger side port, hose went to the distributor. -Center port capped off as it had no pvc on it. -Driver side port, hose went to a "T" fitting which was used as a elbow ("T" capped off) to the rear of the intake manifold to a vacuum "T" where I believe it went to the transmission. Do I need the driver side hose that goes back to the rear of the manifold?
The vacuum tree at the rear of the manifold should be screwed into one of the intake runners and as such would need no other source (from the front of the carb) The distributor's vacuum should be a ported source that only sees vacuum when the throttle blades are opened.
So, the passenger side port of the carburetor will go to the distributor? Cap off the center port as I have no pvc on it? Cap off the driver side of the carburetor? The transmission modulator valve to the fitting at the rear of the intake? Correct?
I'm not familiar with the Edelbrock carbs, but the distributor hose needs to be connected to a vacuum port on the carb that only sees vacuum when the throttle blades are open. If that port has vacuum when it's idling, then that's the wrong port. You can time it to use than port if you want, but the distributor isn't designed to function that way. As for the rest of your question, yes that's correct.
Ok, I'll play with it when I fire it up...hopefully soon! This work thing keeps getting in my way. I appreciate your help, and everybody's help on this forum. Thank you