Well, here's an update! We've cleaned the comet, who I am fondly referring to as "Cordelia." Steve from seatbeltplanet.com is going to hook us up w/ seatbelts. We were attempting to replace the hose for the power steering, and unfortunately the nipple on the heat exchange broke off! So she's off to the shop. It seems like a simple part, so hopefully it will be cheap to replace. But aside from that, everything is great so far. We are planning on refinishing most of the vinyl, using SEM vinyl color coat. Have you all had good luck with their products? The interior is currently a strange pea green color that's very faded in some areas. We are thinking about leaving part of the dash green, but going dark chestnut brow on the seats/doors/carpets. And the ceiling vinyl, which is in almost perfect condition, will probably be ivory. Has anyone treated the vinyl ceiling with SEM before? It's fabric-like, but it's clearly still vinyl. And seeing how it's not possible to take the ceiling out to spray it, do you just cover the rest of the car interior with plastic / painters tape to keep it all contained? Thanks for your imput! I'll post some pictures soon. Caroline
Just got off the phone with Steve from Seat Belt Planet and I got a set of the retractable front seat belts from him. Very nice and knowledgeable guy! He said they should ship out first part of next week and I should have them by the end of the week.
Welcome from VA,enjoy the car.Get someone to help you set up some type of fuel injection on it,& it will be trouble free & easy to work on.When the newer cars have problems & you take them to the shop,you get charged a fortune to fix them.