As with anything, if it's available, that's fine, if it's not, then do it yourself. Overall, in the long run, it will be a seller, more cars get built every year.
I would probably be interested, but would want to see what the options were for connection to headers/manifolds as well as the tailpipes.
In all honesty the only thing that would need to be specific to the car would be the tailpipes. From the headers back a universal kit could easily be fit up under the car. For the price and considering the fact that it's stainless, I would be seriously interested even if I wasn't ready it could sit in the attic until it's time came.
Guys thanks for the input. Like all Pypes systems and components the first step is to gain market acceptance. The next step is design and prototyping, then samples, then retesting the samples, next a marking strategy is put in place and finally production and distribution. I chose this forum for the poll because one I'm a member and two this is the largest Maverick gathering in the world on a daily bases. What I'm really after here are the members to say "I like the idea and if I'm in the market I would buy it at that price." This spring we are introducing over 45 new systems to market, some are hybrids of systems we already make but most are new from scratch. For 2014 I already have 30 projects on the board top priority being the 2015 Mustang. I tell you this because I don't want to give a false impression that this will happen overnight.
All good news. Any idea what a time frame might be? Later this year or 2015 possibly? Like anything I am sure it is hard to gauge. Glenn
I'd be for it -- However, I would probably need a half system because I will have 4 link in the back and things will have to route differently compared to stock floor plan.
Damn I'd be in for it if I wasn't getting a 2015 Mustang this year! Please let me know how the Stang exhaust develops, I'lll be interested when its available!
I have the Pypes X-pipe and Violators on my Mach I. Perfect "ROAR" between 4,500-5,000 rpms and have had no complaints with them since 2007. Not certain if they will make it through MD State Inspection, though.
Stainless exhaust at that price point??? Uh...Yeah...I would definitely buy that rather than have to fab something myself or have a shop do a so so job.