I'm curious how to identify a Comet GT. My thoughts: Comet GT decals on fenders Hood scoop Sport mirrors Side stripes High-back bucket seats Black grill w/ stainless strips Any other ideas?
A Marti Report is the only true way to identify if a Comet came from the factory with the 'GT' package.
Different arm rests would be news to me. Floor shifter came on most GTs but you could get them with column shift if requested. As stated a Marti report is the only way to confirm it is a true Comet GT. It is not that tough to build a clone.
The grills with stainless steel trim were only '71-'72. '73 and up GTs used a standard grill, though it was blacked out.
i have a 74 gt and a buddy told me that the gt,s have extra bracing on the shock towers whare the top arm bolts threw,and on the inside allso, an mine does
Not that I'll remember it later.. but were there any export Mavericks that may have differed? And what about Maverick's made elsewhere?
I'd say no, depending on the bracing you are talking about. Early 73's didn't have the wheel side bracing, but all V8 cars had the shock tower bracing on the engine side.
do all mav,s an comets have the extra plate on the inside of the shock tower also ? i have seen an add in a hotrod mag that they were workin on some front end mods on a 67/68 mustang and they added the inside plate to add strength to the upper arm mount