Somebody else took it in for me, but I was not told of any block. I don't know what "a ridge on the end of the cylinder walls" means.
hope i help the term long block means having the whole motor rebuilt heads and lower half ( cylinder block ) short block is only the lower half of the motor, cylinder reconditioned with rings and pistons if needed and crank shaft reconditioned with new bearings, and a few other parts timing gears and chains ect.. those prices are if you partially reassemble the engine your self and remove and reinstall it. inside the motor you have the 6 cylinders as the pistons go up and down they do not make it all the way to the ends of the cylinder after many years or miles of running at the top of the cylinder it will develop a ridge that has to be removed to disassemble the motor. I think nothing was told you about the block because you only sent it in for the head and they wouldn't even touch the block for the price you paid. There is one other possible problem also that after they put the head back on it blow the head gasket or it didn't get installed correctly. but if all plugs are showing signs of fooling and oil then more then likely it is the rings.