Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and to Mavericks/Comets. I don't know where else to go, but I'm trying to find out what you guys think about a car I'm possibly buying. I'm supposed to go look at it on Tuesday. It's a 1972 Ford Maverick, 6 cylinder automatic for $2,700. They said it runs great, but a floor pan is rusted and the trunk is rusted. I don't know the extent of the rust, but apparently it's bad enough that it needs new pans. Other than that it looks like it's in good shape. Do you guys think it's worth it? How much should I be paying for something like that? I don't mind paying a fair price, but I don't want to get burned either. Any help would be appreciated!
to the forum! Pictures would really help in determining the value, but with the info you've given I would say it's worth roughly half of what they are asking. Rust repair is time intensive and if your paying someone to do the work it's also very costly.
Welcome from Northern California! Get as much info about the car as possible so we can help you as best we can. Just from the little bit you have said, definitely don't pay the full asking price.
It seems like they're pretty firm on the price unfortunately. What do you guys think a fair price would be? I have a little more info, but honestly I'm worried that if I use the real pictures and/or give too many details the owner might see it somehow. From what I'm seeing, it doesn't have a passenger side mirror(don't know if it came like that?) the bench seat needs to be reupholstered, the paint is dull, and it has that rust damage. Other than that it looks like it's in good shape, the body is straight, and it's almost all original. I'm a college student and this would just be a project car for me. I have hopes of eventually putting a Mustang GT engine and 5 speed transmission in it. I am pretty good at welding, but I don't have a welder. I don't mind putting some work into it, but if you guys are saying it's overpriced I don't want to be stupid. Thanks for the replies so far!
Take a couple of gallons of water with you and dump them down the cowl while negotiating the price with the owner. When it starts leaking all over those floorpans, wave maybe $1500 cash at him.
if the cowl is leaking...... if you are planning a motor swap...how well the 6 cyl. C-4 runs doesn't matter. is it a 4 or 5 lug car? check under the car...look at the torque boxes and rear frame rails for rust. how bad is the fender apron rusted out under the batt. last but not least...don't be..."I'm worried that if I use the real pictures and/or give too many details the owner might see it somehow." this just shows you are a smart buyer... just don't post a pic. of the tag...
I will mirror what Frank said ... and add that car has the thin bumpers that most prefer. But so far, that is the only positive that you have mentioned. It won't have front disc brakes, and most folks will tell you that they are the best improvement you can make. Those didn't come out for a couple more years later, but that is an easy swap. Rust is like an iceberg ... you might only really be able to see 1/3 of what you really need to deal with. Without pics, it is hard to say how bad that car is. "Needs floorpans" can mean a few pinholes, or it could mean entire pans and supporting structures. Since you are also a Floridian, I would say look around some more. There are some nice solid cars here. Several on Craiglist right now. $2700 sounds high based on what little you have told us. It is a 2 door, right? (you didn't specifically say). For that kind of price, I would want to see a thin bumper 2 door with a V8 and air conditioning with no major rust issues. People get old cars and think Barrett-Jackson Auction prices. I had to walk away chuckling from a bright red 77 Maverick. It looked great from the road. But it was a 4 door, 6 cylinder car with big bumpers. The worst thing is that the new paint was the only thing holding the lower edges of all the doors and hood and trunk together. It was sooooooo rusty! ... and they just painted over it. The asking price .... $7700! A year later, it is still for sale.
I appreciate the replies. I guess I'll just see how low I can get the price and take it from there. I'm just worried because it looks like there really aren't any more Mavericks around these days. I just feel like I'll die of old age trying to find a rust free Maverick in Florida.
it doesn't have to be in Florida...a few Guys came up to Ga. and bought nice cars. a rust free car is the only place to start...
I thought they wera all gone 15 years ago. Time is your friend. It is a buyer's market, and there are lots of them out there if you know where to look. I went almost 10 years before I found my Grabber. Sure, I ripped it all apart after I got it (cowl) but it's no rust bucket, and I didn't break the bank to get it! Like others have said, post some pictures, and we can better advise you on pro's and con's. Are you able to inspect this car in person, or is it a long-distance purchase??
The car is an early 73, body looks like it is in nice condition. I have seen so many people buy these cars that need floor pans and such and then they get into tearing them apart and realize that the parts are expensive or beyond their capabilities and just give up and they sit or get sold for a loss. You have to determine how much work and money you are willing to put into the car if you dont have the tools or knowledge to do it then it will be a money pit. Good luck with what ever you do