Hey John, been trying to post several times. Hope this one takes. Got my calendars last week. They are terrific!!! I vote for the August picture of Robert's and George's Mavericks by the lighthouse as best.
Good deal Mr. Fred! That is a nice photo by the light house. I still have not deposited any checks or money orders.....hopefully will due that today. So if you have not gotten what you ordered....let me know.
Hello John, I would love to purchase one of your wonderful calendars...please let me know if there are any left and if so, please reserve me one and I will mail out payment right away! Thanks.
yes, I still have some....I think 12 to be exact. Its been a great response for the calendars....makes it all worth it. Lee D. Robert K. I put some in the mail for you guys today. Again, if you have sent in a order and ahve not recieved them...please please let me know. John.
Payment has been sent in the mail today! I can't wait to receive the calendar!! I love to look at other Mavericks and Comets from all over!
A-M-E-N... I was looking at the pic of John's car...who is that Fat guy in the white shirt:16suspect ...Biff the Michelin man? oops..wait a second here ...er ..nevermind