Hi I don't currently own a maverick but have been scouting them out on ebay/craigslist I figured i'd come here and learn a few thing before buying. I'm thinking id like to get an early year car with small bumpers a v8 and a 5 speed. I currently own a 70 vw type 3 squareback, a 78 chevette with a 4.3 and a 5 speed, and an 82 Pontiac T1000. Probably have to sell at least 1 before buying something new, to keep the wifey happy. So thank you all in advance for any help you may provide me with. Mike
Hello and welcome from Cali. Honestly, I love the Maverick. I got mine for practically nothing from a buddy's dad, while in college. I have done a few things here and there. She's really easy to work on, fun to drive. Hope ya get one, don't think you'd regret it. Good solid cars. The only think I don't care for- because it's become a bit old and that is I can't go anywhere without people asking me questions, taking pics, driving past me giving me a thumbs up! Even had some guys from Australia offer to buy her. I can't give her up. She does get a lot of attention- which was cool at first, but MAN it gets old at times. Lol not being a poor sport, just a busy man! Good luck buddy!