Thought I would show a couple of updates on the building. I still have to trim it out on the outside and will hopefully have all of it completed in the next couple of weeks.
Don, I bought the frame from best buy metal products. The dimensions are 20X21. I Bought everthing seperate and saved money in the end. Total for this is approx. $2000, thats including concrete.
Hey Tomms 73 Looks great. I wish i could say i had got that far but i have only done the sides but i hop to do the back this weekend.What did you end up framing it up with? Later TIM
Tim, I ended up framing it with 2X4's. I bought 132 2X4's, 20 2X6X16's and 42 4'X8' sheets of hardy panel (sideing) for $250.00. That is the reason for using the 2X4's. I bought all of this from a guy that is going back to Germany next month and ended up buying all of it and not using it. It ended up being about 1300.00 in materials so I couldn't pass it up for 250.00.:bananaman I love finding good deals. They usually don't come to me like this. I started insulating the inside and the hardy panel will be used for the inside walls. The thing that made my a$$ pucker was the price on the sheetmetal screws. They were 50.00 for 5 lbs. But all in all everything is coming together on this project. Thanks for the compliments folks. Tomm
I have a friend that is a Falcon guy(has a black '64 Sprint that is a beauty), and he just bought a new house. Out back, he is in the process of building a 30'X50' shop, and a 12' spray booth behind the shop, attached! This thing is heated, air conditioned, and has an 80gal it's own room, to boot! I can't wait to see it finished. Just wish I had the bucks to do something like this. In his defense, he does side work in his shop, and makes part of his income that way, so he can justify it. I'll get some pics when he is done!
I have a friend that just had a 30X40 put up at his house. Very nice building but, I don't have that kind of money. His was a turn-key job and cost him a little over 10,000.00. When I put mine together, I did it in such a way that I can add on to it in the back with another 20X21 section. That will probably be next year though. Tomm
Tomm; good luck with it, hope it is what you need it to be. Keep the pics coming, you may give some others an idea or two.