Hey guys just wanted to share my afternoon at a local central Virginia junk yard. --- Lots of parts left!!!!
The door has been left open--(looks like for years)-- the entire interior is bad. Most of the cars in this place are only good for exterior and engine parts.
Well I didn't take any pictures, but I went to a salvage yard yesterday in Maricopa, Arizona and found literally 20-30 something mavericks. Couple of grabbers as well. The guys running the joint were a bit pricey on their parts but I'm sure they'll negotiate. I try to remember to take my camera out with me next time.
When I was younger I could find junk yards like that all over So. Texas, here in Mississippi it seems they do not exist
Hey Mav Blue Eyes! Do you live in AZ? I was at that yard a couple of months ago. However, they were closed. I talked to a guy there, though. You're absolutely right about them being pricey. Eric(silver70)
my father in-law is in new mexico with his truck.I should call him and tell him to look around for a hood,trunk lid and floors for my Comet
Yeah, I live in the Phoenix area. I was looking for a front bumper and turn signals for my '70 Mav. Found one or two decent ones, but the guy wanted $150 for the bumper and $70 for the lights. figured I'd shop around a little. By the way, did any mavericks come with factory posi rears? I stopped by another salvage yard and some guy said that some did but I wasn't sure. Anyone know? thanks.
hey mav blue eyes, I guess that was you that got the bumper last night from e-bay. I stopped at 80 on it. I sat there in the last 20 seconds and decided I did not need that bad. What a small word....
yeah, I bought that orange '70 maverick off of ebay a couple of weeks ago and it didn't have a bumper. The only ones I found at the salvage yard, although in pretty decent shape, they all had bumper guards. I don't think they'd look too good on my car. Anyways. I'm in the process of putting a 302 in my car as well as a possible 9-inch. I'll post pics soon.