Hello, I just acquired a 1972 Maverick that was represented as being a Grabber. I would be most appreciative if one one or more of you that know, please tell me the obvious things I need to check to see if it really is a Grabber, or not. The person I bought it through couldn't tell me much about the vehicle, so I am kinda lost. The car is modified with what is supposed to be a High Performance 302 V8, an Automac Transmission, a Hurst Shifter, Tach and a row of digitalized guages under the dash, racing lap belts, Multiple Electronic Igntion & Coil, High glazed performance headers, duels exhaust, Edelbrock 4 Bbl. Carb, Acel RFI Wires, etc. Other than some minor bumps and bruises on the body, the car runs very good and strong, but I was just wondering if it is really a Grabber, or not. It doesn't have the striping I have seen on other Grabbers of this year. One of these days maybe I'll figure out how to put a picture of it in here. Thanking you in advance, B.J. McCord Kerrville, Texas
Hello, B.J. Kerville is a nice place. My girlfriend and I stayed in the HEB cottages their last year duing the Folk Festival. re: Grabber or not There are a couple of purist on here who will know if your Maverick is a Grabber or not by some of the sublte differences (like sport mirrors I believe). I believe the VIN # would be the best tale-tale though. You can decode your VIN# HERE to find out the specifics in the meantime. Regardless if it's a Grabber or not, it still sounds like a very nice car. Welcome to the Board
Welcome Bosshoss. I love the monicker. I owned the Mattel's Hot Wheel called the Boss Hoss in the very early '70s. You could only get that car by mailing in something (I forget what) and it was mailed to you. It was supposed to have been rare.
Rex, Georgia huh? Pretty country over there. I had my Army MP training in Ft. Gordon way way back when. I drug a '50 Ford Coupe to Macon, and with some cash, traded for my '32 Roadster abouit 6 months ago. It seems alot further to Georgia from Texas now, than it did back then. Especially dragging a cars both ways on a trailer. It took me 4 days and one new tire to do it, but I got a sweet little '32 out of the deal. Thanks, McCord
Hmmmm, Craig knows something here. Could it be this guy bought the yellow with black stripes Maverick? SR
BJ, to the Board. My wifes grandparents live there in Fredricksburg. Next time we're down that way we'll have to get together. Tomm
IF it is yellow with black stripes, I may have seen pics of it. Craig knows more about it than I do. Is it yellow with black stripes? Seth