Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had found any Maverick production pictures on the internet or somewhere else. I would really like to see some, they would be very cool. I have tried to find some, but I can't even find something where they are even mentioned. Thanks. -Corbin
Productin pics I was flippin throught the channels a while back and Discovery or one of those learning channels was running a History of Ford sort of show. There was a good 15-20 seconds of video showing Mavericks going down the assembly line being welded and then painted. It then showed them driving out of the factory into the parking lot were dozens of Mavericks were being lined up. I wrote the station about getting a copy but never heard back .... Dan
dmhines; if you know the name of the program, go to discovery.com and you should be able to buy it. You can buy any program they air. Hope this helps. Earl
Wow, that would be great to see. That would be very cool. If you remembered the show name we could probably find one. Thanks for the info. -Corbin
Ford Archives If anyone lives up in Michigan isn't there a Ford Archive somewhere up there where you can actually go in an find all this stuff?? Either part of the Henry Ford musuem or the corporate offices ...
dm - I tried looking online at the Ford website and right now I'm so darned pissed off at them it isn't funny!! Oh sure... they mention the Mustang but couldn't find any information on Mavericks what so ever... maybe I was asking the wrong questions, but from what I could find or more accurately what I didn't find was any information on Mavericks. I also cruised around Disovery.com and couldn't find anything there either!! Arrrrrrrrrgggggghhhh!!
There are a couple of places that you might try. You want to contact Fords photo media department they should be located in the World Headquarters. They use to charge you by the picture but I do not know if they still sell pictures. You could also contact the Henry Ford museum allot of the really old stuff was sent there.
Look at the Discovery web site, and see if the series: Automobiles is in there, and for sale. They cover a lot of cars, and I think it may be in the one on Mustangs. Give it a try. Earl