Yes, he came over one time for something, I can't remember, but I've seen the car around town over the years.
I'll see, it depends on a few things, just waiting to hear back.... It's got lot's of rust, and bondo... Hard to say, the stock radio, or whats left of it is still in there...the interior is fully gutted..
Sounds like there is a chance that no one will bid on it if it is in that bad of shape - I guess it would go to the crusher then?
Hard to say, there are people that buy all the burned cars, just for scrap valve, which to me is almost more that the car would be worth to me. There is always the extra taxes, the extra fees, and other expenses, that add to the final cost. There just isn't much on the car to make up that in value, the disc brakes alone, aren't worth that much.
That big chrome front bumper! (The rear too..) *assuming A tear comes to the eye when I see a 4-door in the yard...