I had the early Fatman set up and before they went to the cradle. A couple things 1st there is that cradle that you have to install. If you use the Ride Tech lowers they bolt into the stock locations. 2nd I like the thought of using the later model spindles, many more brake options. Also the use of a strut or coilover doing away with the upper control arm, I haven't seen where you can do a strut set up on maverick/mustang type spindle, not saying it couldn't be done but I don't see how.
I totally see what you're saying, and if I hadn't upgraded my brakes and wanted rack and pinion, I'd totally do the Fatman kit-no question. As it stands, I think for me, something like Ride Tech or Global West is a better option.
There are a lot of suspension options out there. Not all are created equal. Converting to a strut-type front suspension would be less than ideal. The stock suspension pickup points aren't completely terrible, it's the flimsy components that are attached that are the biggest problem. Anyone interested in reading up on the TCP front suspension should download our technical DATA SHEET HERE and if you want to learn about any individual components, or other systems, check out our technical DATABASE HERE. You can check out everything from more data sheets to instruction manuals. Thanks for reading, Carl