I am having problems with my right hand side under bumper light, its not working properly. Do the make a replacement wire harness for them?
You would have to repair what you have as far as the wiring. Here is something with those lights (and many other Ford lights) - the lamp socket is only presses into the lamp assembly. The metal on metal contact is the only ground. Over time, corrosion will settle into the ring of the pressed in socket and cause a bad contact between the socket and the housing. When that happens you lose that contact ground and the lamp gives you fits keeping it working. Even sand blasting the whole thing doesn't get into the groove and restore the metal to metal contact. What I do is take the MIG and put a tack weld between the socket and the lamp housing at the ring. I have had 100% success making a good ground this way and solved many a problem with marker lights and turn signals.
thanks i will try that... if the socket is bad do you happen to know what i could used. thanks for the info
If the socket is bad you could remove it and replace it with a pigtail similar to the one used for the tail lights.
I have had good success getting sockets to clean up with WD40 to get the spring inside moving again. The internals for a rebuild used to be found in the auto parts stores. Have not looked in a long time. Here is a picture of a crusty old housing. This one is a prime candidate for a failed ground. Even after sandblasting and repainting the housing, the corrosion around and inside the socket ring would still cause a bad contact. After sandblasting and before painting, I would put a small spot weld where the red dot is. That will be enough to give the old socket a perfect ground again.