Those of you with running driveable cars how often do you drive it? I am at a crossroads in my life and dont drive the Mav but a couple times a year, when I do I enjoy it but I know for them to sit is tough on them. I have entertained thoughts of selling it many times but wife always tells me you know you will miss it but money would be nice to put into a new project that will be a daily driver and some upgrades on wifes car. I know that there is no way to recoup money put into the car and do not expect to get it. I love the attention it draws and love to talk to people about it. What to do, maybe after The Gathering I will feel better about it
Mike mine sits a lot as well. But like you I enjoy it when I do drive it. My wife talked me out of selling it years ago. And I am glad she did, after all it is the first car that I owned. I think I will just put a little more into it like installing comfortable seats that this old body will enjoy. See you at the Gathering
I drive my 4door Maverick WAY more than my orange 1972 Grabber. The 1972 has been out of the garage once this year.
I drive mine most wkends, and some during the week, during good weather. I want to repaint but know that would restrict the amount of driving I would due. With that said, I'd never sell it, as long as I can still enjoy it, and share it with others at cruises.
I sit behind the steering wheel and make "vroom, vroom" noises. I am coming to terms with "driving it with patina" for a while. Starting to get it ready for paint would prolong the agony. It has been immobile for years.
I drive mine weather permitting, and when I actually have time to enjoy the ride. I've thought of selling my green car, mostly to raise the money for the parts needed to finish my other two Mavericks, but I couldn't get the money I wanted, so I didn't sell it, I know I'll never get back what I've put into it, but I've had some good offers that I've turned down in the past. It is what it is, is I drive it, that's fine, if not, it sits nice and cozy in its spot I. The garage. I use to have a Harley that was the same kinda thing, I sold it, and from time to time I do miss it, but it's no big deal, everything can be replaced.
Mine hasn't been driven in about 15 years. Has 203,000 miles, though. It sits among my other cars, awaiting a V8 swap.
Mine sits in the garage all winter since I moved North. I drive it every chance I get. We take it to get ice cream on nice summer nights but also drive it all over the country to attend different events. Sure, its not prestine driving it so much, but I do my best to keep it as nice as I can. Bottom line is I get to enjoy my car a lot and would never consider selling it.
! I don't drive mine nearly as much as I would like. I have driven it 3 times this year locally minus a fender. Once I get motivated to finish my grinding I need to do i'll slap the fender back on a drive the dog .... out of it!!!
I cannot leave mine alone long enough to keep it on the road. I am only a brake-bleed away from being driveable, with new front suspension, modern power steering, and 4-wheel aftermarket disk brakes. But too damned hot to go out for 20 minutes to bleed them. During the cooler months, October to April, I drive mine pretty often. Once every week or two, if not more, but during the summer, it sits. We will take it to the MCCI meet in late july, but on a trailer. And it will be a show-queen only. Very little driving.
5-6 days sitting for mine is a long time. I at least drive it to lunch 3-4 times a week. Effie, asked me not to sell it, Chris and I built it so she wants to keep it. we take it on vacation (11-14 days...1500-3000 miles) every year it is running. so far looks like a runner this Gathering...see Ya'll there. ......
Once the weather breaks i drive mine almost every weekend and total around 3,000 miles a summer or so
Drive mine 3-4 times a week to poker and chase parts or other various errands. Pretty much my reliable driver at this point. Its so much better that the a/c is fixed now