Anybody running a dehumidifier in their home, garage or workshop? If so, if it was purchased anytime in the last 10 years, it may be a fire hazard. Last year when the recall was announced, one of my two dehumidifiers was on the list. I called the recall hotline and they sent out a self mailer to return the power cord and ID tag off the unit. They actually sent a check for a little more than I paid for the unit a couple years ago. Last week, there was a big fire in Fond du Lac that was blamed on one of the recalled units. On the news story, the Fire Department asked everyone to check their dehumidifiers against the list. They said even if you checked last year to check again as more units had been added to the list. Sure enough, now the other one I had was on the list. And this is the one that is in the storage area of all my Maverick parts. The unit was 8 years old and they still said the return will be enough to buy a brand new 70 pint unit. So anyone running a dehumidifier, check it against the recall list. I would hate to hear of anyone on the board losing their car or home to one of these.
Thanks for the heads up. Just went down and checked mine. I have one of the brands listed but it's a 60 pint unit that is not part of the recall.
Thanks for the heads up Eric. I have two I use on a regular basis and will check them against the list.
Gree builds them all, they are a huge manufacturer in China, they make all different kinds of air conditioning, along with dehumidifiers ( which are kinda the same thing) They had salesman hitting our area pretty hard last year, and they were all from china, there were ever rumours that the company is backed by the Chinese government...
Glad this is helping some of the board members ......... Here is the Gree page with better model information. Covers 13 brand names and an estimated 2.5 million units sold from January 2005 through August 2013.