My head is missing the ears to attach the exhaust manifold on the two ends, is there a way to fix this that doe not involve replacing the head. It leaks a bit at the manifold and the sound is annoying
I see no way of really fixing it. Maybe if you had the ears that busted off...and have them welded back on? Still cheaper to just find another head I would think.
I was hoping not to have to remove the head, did not know if this was common on these, figured there was a work around. Anyone know a place that might have heads for sale? I got the car this way, probably been running like this for years, i just cannot get the exhaust to totally seal so i get the "prbbbbb" noise on accelleration.
depending on how much has broken off you might geht away with using a thick washer and nut on the inner side... no use if that much has broken off so you won't get any clamping force, though.
I don't know what tools you have at your disposal, but you can get a stud and weld it to the head. If you don't have a welder, a shop could do it for you at a reasonable price. I did this on a 390 (same ears that bust off) and never had any more trouble. Those bolts don't get torqued that tight, either! 15 ft. lbs.
had to do the exact thing to the 144 (gag) in my 62 falcon when i got it. Mice had been using the back of the cyl as a urinal for probably 10 years before i got it. did the repair in the car. cleaned the hell out of the casting with a wire wheel on a rotary tool, then used brake cleaner. Let dry, then preheated the hell out of it with a propane torch, and mig welded in a grade 8 bolt across the broken section. used a hobart 140 amp turned all the way up. been solid for 2 1/2 years, but the 144's days are numbered, getting a 68 200 in there in a few weeks. either way, it can be done. but it sucks.