Ok....I've read everyones input on this swap and I will tell you my situation and maybey someone could help. Just spent six hours trying to put a 88 5.0 injected motor into a 77 Maverick (replacing the stock 250 six). I have all the correct motor mounts and frame mounts but the motor mounts and the holes in the engine block are coming up a half inch shy (front to back) of lining up. Its like the whole assembly (engine and trans) needs to come forward in the chassis but the transmission mount that is slotted does not have anymore room to go forward. I still have headers to go on also...............very frustrated.
Transmission cross member goes in last when I install them, makes it much easier when the motor mounts are free to float around.
Using the c4 that was behind the six cylinder. Dbl checked the frame mounts.....one has an R on it so Im assuming it is the passenger side and the spacing of it goes toward the back (not upside down). Was thinking what is the possibility of the Autozone motor mounts not being made correctly. Im grasping here I know but im at aloss. I don't have a problem redrilling the slots on the transmission crossmember but is that a commen type thing that is done with that swap...............it just doesn't seem right?
Do you have any pictures we can see? It's common that people install the frame stands backwards, when doing a V8 swap.
Motor mounts are probably fine...but the actual frame mounts (stands) are what are critical...these have to be oriented corectly.
im pretty sure the frame stands go forward not towards the back. i remember having this problem when i first put my car together.
Im having a difficult time attaching photos......not very computer literate. Something about a gallery.....don't know. Would everyone agree that the one stamped R goes on the passenger side and when installed it is upside down. Maybey I will try turning over so they face forward and the R is rightside up.
you need 10 posts to be able to post pics in the forum. you can remote link pics hosted on other sites by using the button above the reply text box with the mountain and sun graphic on it by putting the hyper link address in it. switch the frame mounts side to side so they offset forward and see if that takes care of your problem
I think I have it figured out.....maybey. If I switched the mounts over it would even be worse but I compared the six cylinder transmission crossmember to the dbl. hump v8 one which I have yet to put in and noticed the v8 crossmember has longer elongated holes and even sits alittle more forward then the other..................it should help bunches. Now about the fitting of the headers and rearranging the trans coolant lines..........any advise or possible some explosives to light off on this project. I also still have to run fuel injection hose and a return plus all the ECM wiring. By the way......no room to install computer box under dash of Maverick so Im putting it on the forward floorboard and will build a cover plate for it. alittle less foot room but it has to be done. Will let you all know how the fitment goes when I change out the trans crossover this afternoon.
to put long tube headers in you need to pull the passenger side motor mount out, move the motor to the passenger side, slide the drivers header in from the bottom and loosely bolt it to the motor. then push the motor back to the divers side and put the motor mount back. you can now put the passenger side header in from the bottom. on trans cooler lined i will usually cut the lines where they cross from the transmission to going past the engine. then get tube fittings and put them on at the cuts, re-flair the lines and put a union in. this way its easy to disconnect the lines and reconnect them for future removal and installation. you can shorten the lines at this joint to make up for the transmission being moved forward for the v8 swap. also the v8 uses a different radiator than the I6 did.
A 6 cyl tranny cross member and a V-8 cross member put the transmission in the same spot....so I don't think that is your problem.