My engine is running an almost constant 160-200 degrees. Mostly in the 190 range. I adjusted the advance on the distributor and it helped a little, but it still runs really hot. No thermostat, and I have to use the heater to cool it down. Lucky for me, I get no heat, so.....any ideas?
Without a thermostat you are not letting the water stay in the radiator long enough to cool it down - coolant spends most of it's time in the block so you have to restrict it to stay longer in the radiator - if you don't want a thermostat, you can buy Moroso restrictors that take it's place - we used them in circle track racing
I've had stuck thermostats before where they will not open when they hit their predetermined setting causing overheating - try a new thermostat before you go further unless you already did that
I read the post but left the computer for a half hour - when I got back I only responded to the over heating and no thermostat issue - duh
Agreed, nothing to worry about till they are past 225*... But if it cools down just by running heater, the radiator isn't doing it's job... Could be moving coolant too fast as suggested, clogged, or poor airflow, meaning lack of shroud, fan too far from core, etc...
sounds like the radiator is plugged up. you definitely need a tstat. the stock radiator in these cars was barely adequate to keep the engine cool when every thing was new and ideal. upgrading the radiator to an aluminum one is a great improvement. 200 degrees is not even close to overheateing. with a good radiator cap and proper water to antifreeze ratio the cooling system can go all the way up to 225 with out being a problem.