I took off my cylinder head to replace it and was wondering what to use to clean the engine block where the new cylinder head will be resting? There is some buildup where the old cylinder head was. its nothing thick more like some oil or grime from the old gasket. How should I clean it? Im worried about getting water or other things in places they shouldn't be.
I place rags down in the cylinders to catch and liquids and debris. Use a razor blade and a scotchbrite pad to clean the surface. You can follow up with some brake cleaner or acetone on a rag. If you are careful when you take the rags out of the cylinders most everything should come out with the rag. A shop vac will remove what is left.
yep.. cardboard sized slightly larger than the bore will keep the debri out too. Then just vac those plugs out before removal and you're good for a final wipedown. Water jackets are the tougher ones and small pieces of paper towels or rags do the job there. Just be sure they are packed tight so they don't drop/get knocked down into the jackets when you're scraping around them.
320 grit wet/dry sandpaper on a hard sanding block along with some WD-40 workes quite well also...Definitely cover up areas you dont want the debris getting into. I would recommend you flush out the blocks coolant passages before assembly. also change the oil before starup.