Hey guys, My uncle is the original owner of a '72 4 Dr 200 I-6; It's been sitting for quite sometime, now he's in a position to start working on it again. The cars wiring has been spliced and modified plenty over the last 42 years, he would like to have a shop rewire the entire car with new wiring. I know there's a number of names around Painless, Ron Francis etc... This car will probably stay most stock as is other than an aftermarket stereo possibly. What brand and kit would you recommend for quality, price and user friendliness? And why. your assistance is appreciated. Thanks
www.toplinewireandcable.com 1-855-586-0577 RS-12 or RS-20 kits, $130 to $135 each. this is by far the best value and high quality, made in USA harness you will find, period.(IMO).... Kits come complete with full instructions and can be spliced into existing OEM connectors/plugs, using butt connectors/heat shrink which can be purchased at any auto or electronics store. You can check out their site or call their toll free number and get all your questions answered! Kit has all the correct gauge wiring that is clearly labelled and used GXL cross link insulation which is fire rated and far superior than what came in our cars. I recently purchased their TLW-20 kit, which uses modern tech. power management module that eliminates fuses, this has been used in military for over 10 years and only recently has it been applied for civilian use. The RS-12 or 20 series would be perfect for replacing your 40 year old OEM wire harness and for $130, can not go wrong! Give them a call........ Ron Francis kit will run you $450 to $550........ I have also checked out and talked to Ron Francis, Painless, Keep It Clean etc., and found that Topline was the best kit for me. Go ahead and call each one, they all have toll free numbers and ask all the questions, I am sure you will end up with either the RS-12 or 20.......