hi, I'm not so new to this website. But for some reason, three years after I bought my Maverick, I have finally decided to create a profile here. I am soon to be 23 years old, and I bought my maverick in 2011. Unfortunately because my truck burned down. I have always owned Fords and was quite interested in owning a muscle car (no, I'm not calling the maverick a muscle car) but I was discouraged by all the Camaro's and Mustangs that I have do deal with seeing on a daily basis. But in the midst of all the Dukes of Hazard charger Replicas and Starsky and Hutch Torino relics, I set out looking for something that wasn't seen so often. And at a local car show in 2010 I layed my eyes on something I had never seen before. A hemi orange Ford Maverick Grabber. I had never seen one before and at 18 years old I had made it a goal that before I was 20 I would have one. and then my truck caught fire, so great, I muster up $2,000 dollars from pennies and whatever else I could save from being a cook with 9 ASE certifications and absolutely no experience at being a cook..... or a mechanic in the field. but, being from south Atlanta I found a 71' in Newnan for $2,500. A metallic blue masterpiece, on the outside anyway. luckily, in the pictures, I didn't have to look at the holes in the floorboard because the owner so well disguised it with cheap floor mats, but I knew what I was looking at anyways... because why have floor mats when you have no carpet? But anyways, he wanted 2500, told me "hey, its a Grabber!" so I say ok, let me walk around it. found some nice four lug wheels! that knocked that $500 off the Grabber Price quick. So I Wound up driving away only spending 1800. 20 years old, and a Maverick with a 302, never got pulled over but hey, I didn't want to push it too far. One night, replacing the head gaskets I found that this kid had decided to grace me with a high profile cam, 3/8 pushrods, nice lifters, 7/16 studs with some great roller rockers from scorpion and port and polished heads. Awesome I thought! A top end pushing 370 HP and guess what! The bottom end was untouched and completely stock! HOORAY! But any mechanic knows what that means..... after cylinder 4&8 threw the pistons out the head in a cluster**** of shock and awe, combined with fire and blood as red white and blue as the 4th of ****ing july (sorry). I had it taken back to my shop. bought a 289 from a friend and even my girlfriend (who has never touched a wrench in her life) helped me put it in. Got it to turn over, and presto. moved. far away from where it was. got a better job. Hauled it up here on a flatbed. And continued my restoration. And if anybody is persistant enough to read this. I'm looking for some nice door panels. and a lot of other interior items. thanks AFL.
...:Handshake there are several of us within a 100 mile radius of Summit. post a parts wanted ad with the parts you need. we can meet at Summit or Baby Janes. ...Frank...
Thank you everybody for the introductions. to 71Gold, unfortunately, I have moved from the south Atlanta area to northeast Georgia near Athens, and the only thing close to me is the Atlanta International Dragway. By the way, you can get some cool stuff at swap meets there. To Craig, I have visited your website many times and like the club, and also to MercuryCruziers, my interior color is black. I wish I had a more two tone color (I had a saddle tan and black 98 cobra) but with an older car like my Maverick: whom by the way is named smurfette, I cant think of a good color scheme, so black works fine, thanks. As for pictures, I don't know if I should post them on this thread or a new one. I guess ill do both.
and on that note, I have no clue how to upload pictures. I guess knowing that would be a good start right?