I have a 72 Grabber 302. When I got the car it had 2 inline fuel filters. One on the carburetor and one about 2 feet away (a Holley washable one you unscrew and clean). The car was sluggish when I would give it gas mainly at take off or if I was to slow way down to make a corner turn, it would almost want to die. The shop took off the "Holley cleanable one" and left the one screwed into the carburetor and it ran GREAT, but there was small enough trash in the gas to pass through that filter and the carburetor started ALWAYS flooding so I put the "Holley cleanable one" back one and had the carburetor gone though and its running sluggish again. Are two inline filters THAT close a bad thing? maybe not getting enough gas? I'm thinking of taking off the filter screwed into the carb and she how it runs. Just thought I would ask the experts on here first.. Chaz.
HMMM... I don't remember a sock when I replaced the gas tank and sending unit, but that was 8 years ago. but even when I did replaced the tank, sending unit, and both filters, it always ran sluggish, turning a corner giving it gas it would act like it wanted to die and trying to keep it at a CONSTANT speed 30, 40, 50, etc... It would chug ( kinda hard to explain) but when I would give it a little gas it would run great. It'sonly when going SLOW and I give it gas it feels like it wants to die.
usually restricted fuel filters cause higher rpm problems not idling or low rpm problems. you could be having a problem with your ignition system. a weak coil, worn out points, distributor clam not tight, etc...
What kind of carb are we talking about here ? Autolite or Holley ? When was the last time it was tuned up ? What ignition system ?
do it yourself, just because you paid someone doesn't mean it was done right. it def sounds like theres still junk in the carb or its set up incorrectly.
It's a Motorcraft 2 bbl. I used to have points, etc.. but had to converted to electronic ignition. New plugs, wires, Cap, etc.. was just done. I have another Carb that I put on it and it ran the same way. Just seemed to run like a bat out of hell with ONE filter. But I don't want crap getting into the carb again. Might have no choice but to put the tank and clean everything again.