I6 Build-Up Everyone has pretty much covered all the modifications. Replacing your "stock" non-adjustable 1.5:1 rocker arms with a 1.6:1 adjustable is fairly cheap and easy to do (Doesn't require dis-assembly of the engine). "In-line six" and "rocker arms unlimited" carry them. [FONT="]http://www.rockerarms.com/index.html[/FONT] The least expensive one barrel to Weber 2-barrel adapter is from: http://www.langdonsstovebolt.com/
There is a link to choose you carb adapter : http://home.centurytel.net/fordfan/Falcon/HW%20Conversion.html My carb come from langdonsstovebolt too , but he don't put good jets for mustang .
Thanks, I haven't torn a distributor apart in about 30 years. Trying to remember all of that stuff I forgot.
In theory, it sucks cooler air from the non exhaust side. Don't have the money right now to extend the pipe to the front of the car.
do any of those newer and better carbs just bolt right up or do they need modifications to be made to the head first?