First off my car was originally a column shift, this past week i switched to a aftermarket floor shifter (B&M) and have successfully installed it and hooked up to the c4 and the wiring under the dash for reverse lights! Here's my question; how do i actually get the reverse lights to work now?! I searched and found some articles about it being trans mounted on here but was confused about going about getting the lights to work. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Yes it does, they are hooked up but don't light up when i put it into reverse. It worked on the column before i switched.
There should be some adjustment to the micro-switch on the B&M shifter. But first just short the two wires together that you have on the switch to make sure the lights come on.
i did that and they came on, just having a hard time getting them to actually turn on when its in reverse
when i touch both wires to one side of the switch they light up for a while before i blow the fuse, now I've gotta crawl under the dash and find which one to replace lol
So, let's talk this through. Feel free to correct me if I am mistaken here, all I did was review the 1972 schematic. You should have a White/Pink wire (I'm not sure if it is 12V+ at all times, but it should definitely have 12V+ present with the key in the ON/RUN position) that feeds your original neutral safety / back-up lights switch. Also connected to the original switch you should have a Black/Pink wire that feeds the back-up lights themselves. You should be able to connect the White/Pink wire and the Black/Pink wire together (directly) and the back-up lights should light (I think you already did this, but repeat it once more just to be sure). In order for your B&M back-up light switch to work, you should connect the White/Pink to one side (connector) of the switch and connect the Black/Pink wire to the other side (connector) of the switch. If this does not work, then you may have a faulty/misadjusted switch or you do not have 12V+ on the White/Pink wire. Check the switch for continuity with a multi-meter set on Ohms. Connect 1 lead of your multi-meter to one side of the switch, and the other lead to the other side of the switch. With the shifter NOT in reverse, the switch should read 1 or OL, depending on the model of the multi-meter. This indicates that the switch is OPEN. With the shifter in reverse, the meter should read near 0, indicating that the switch is CLOSED. If your switch never reads CLOSED, it could be faulty or mis-adjusted. See if you can use your finger to operate the switch. If you can get the switch to read CLOSED with your finger, then you need to adjust the switch so that the shifter can successfully close the switch in reverse. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm sure you can get it figured out.