so, the power unit on my 76 is working well enough, no leaks, etc. but when i really jam on corners it almost over shoots, like the ram is acting too well. is there a way to decrease this somewhat at the control valve? Im tempted to go to manual (we have that on the 72) but would be nice to keep the power steering on this one if possible. Suspension is in good shape, really good actually, have front/rear swaybars, 235/60/15 tires and KYB shocks. so worn susp components is not an issue. the gear box is adjusted correctly too. and the idler arm etc is new. thanks!
hm. interesting. its not tat the wheels travel too far, its that the ram seems a bit 'over enthusiastic'
the sterring box i just adjusted the worm screw up top, normal, it feels good. my question i guess is with the valve, how do you adjust it? ive searched but to no avail. I need it to be less sensitive.
I've read where you can plumb what I think is the high pressure and low pressure lines together using a couple of tee's and a valve in between. Then you use the valve to adjust the amount of "bleed off" you want. You can fine tune the feel of the power steering this way. The "over sensitivity" of this type of ford power steering has been an issue for as many years as its been around. Do some googling as I'm sure my recollection may be a little off but the gist of it is there.
There is an adjustment on the valve. Read post 3. Try this first. If you aren't getting the desired result you then can do a bleed off installation. Do Not just put a restrictor in the pressure line! You will damage the pump! The pressure side must be allowed to bleed off to the return side. There is probably threads on this. I'd try search ( I'm not familiar with this, so it would be better for you to look it up) My car does this to a very small degree too. I've just gotten used to it!
ok, did some adjusting.. used the spec above, was still a bit sensitive so i cranked it in 1/16th turn at a time and found a nice feel. turns out 3/16 in from the stock setting is where i wound up. Thanks.!
I've always known about the adjustment, but have never really done it, I'm going to have to check mine, I rebuilt the control value when I redid my car, and I probably just put it back together, without any adjustment...
as a side note i did the adjustment on a series of stops on a test drive, just cranked the wheel all the way to the right so i could get to it. this probably has some effect on pre-load but regardless, i tweaked, adjusted, rode, repeat, repeat, etc till i hit my personal preference. that adjustment is surprisingly delicate.