I want to put a fuel cell in the car mounted underneath, be able to use the dash's fuel gauge, and I want to be able to use the factory filler neck, even if it involves extra steps. What is the best fuel cell I can get to do this?
fuel safe makes direct fit fuel cells for early mustangs. sense we can adapt the mustang tanks to fit the maverick one of their fuel cells for the mustang should work for what you describe to want http://www.fuelsafe.com/store/mustang.html
whooooa that is an extremely expensive tank which still involves cutting out the floor. I hope to find something under 200.
for that price you will want something like these but none will match up to the stock filler neck. http://www.summitracing.com/search/.../25-000-in?SortBy=Default&SortOrder=Ascending
Do they make something for fuel cells that would have a little neck sticking out so I could at least have something to work with? What fuel sender would I be looking for? Summit has an OHM range category. Don't I need to find something with a Ford sending unit?
the maverick uses a 75-10 ohm level sending unit. so the 70-10 ohm are what you need. they do have filler neck attachment plates that will work for the filler neck but the location would have to be moved to the back part of the tank. it would just take a hole saw, a drill motor and bit.
ok I am looking at the pictures of the Jaz tank and they all have the fill location right in the center so are you saying I would need to cut a hole in the floor and bring the filler tube over to the center of the trunk where the cell will be?
you can do it 2 ways. you do it like you said but that will kill a lot of trunk space. the other way is to cut a hole in the top of the cell where the filler neck lines up with the cell. they have a blank cell that you can set it up any way you want http://www.summitracing.com/parts/jzp-892-022-01/overview/ then you need to get the fittings and every thing to put into it. you would need the level sending uint http://www.summitracing.com/parts/jzp-378-070-03 the filler neck http://www.summitracing.com/search/...tw=fuel cell filler&sw=Fuel Cell Filler Necks the out let fittings and vent fitting. http://www.summitracing.com/parts/jzp-834-006-11/overview/ http://www.summitracing.com/parts/jzp-832-106-11/overview/ this is just an example of what you can do.
That put it together comes out to at least $100 more. Forget that. But I was looking at your filler necks and there's a 4 or 8 inch long 45 degree filler neck to go on the tank. I'm thinking even if it has to come through the trunk it's going to be so low and towards the back I should be fine. Now does it matter if the cell I use is aluminum or plastic?
under the car? still not getting the reason ? i got a new direct fit tank delivered to the house for like 120 bucks. But if you insist on a fuel cell and lots of really fussy fitment work id go aluminum.
wont a later tank work if you block off the top vent hole? i thought shape/mouting for 70-up was the same except for the vac canister breather hole ?
it's not worth it. I have to get those vapor things for it, straps, $100+ sending unit, shipping is insane, and then I still have to get it rust proofed or lined.We're looking at well over $300 and a cell is still better.
what it comes down to is its your car and you can do what you want. you asked about fuel cells, so i gave you some examples of the endless options. then you gave info on your budget. so the real question is how do you put a new fuel containing device in the stock location for under $200. well thats no problem. you are over complicating it. 2 ways that come to mind is getting the newer larger capacity maverick tank and just extending the fuel tank strap bolts and plugging off the vent hose. the second way is going to a mustang tank. heres 2 threads that talk about many different ways of pulling this off http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=59149&highlight=mustang+fuel+tank http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=35490 new tanks are rust proofed. you can get complete mustang tanks with sending units for under 200. and if you cant do this for under 200 then you need to readjust your budget.