Another consideration is where are you planning on making the tailpipes exit?...inboard or outboard of the frame rails? Given how tight the one pipe is to a stock gas tank, and a personal preference, mine are outboard. Probably a tighter fit to do it that way, but a local guy told me when I am ready to step up to 2.5" pipes, he could make it happen. He has a good reputation for being able to get pipes to fit well.... old school, too... no computers involved, just a pipe bender.
Guys this exercise was to gage market acceptance and frankly it didn't go that well. The application is still on the table but near the bottom of the list. The 2015 Mustang and F150 applications are on top and will keep our engineering team very busy though out the fall and winter months. I will keep you up to date if there is any progress.
I can understand where Dave is coming from. Our cars suffer in the restoration aftermarket due to a combination of factors that include, but are not limited to, relatively low survivability (ie. rust) and the fact that the car was considered a low performance economy car in its day.
This is dissappointing. I thought it had a good acceptance but fell off the radar. I would buy today if it were available...
while this is a great site i dont feel that its even close to having 25% of maverick comet owners being on and having read and responded to this question. the trend im seeing right now is the prices for these cars are going up fast and the people who would spend the money on a stainless exhaust system are the ones that are now spending the big bucks on these cars. i do fully understand that the priority of the new vehicle development trumps the maverick system.
If I only had the time.. I would design and market a hand built setup in SS($$$$) and aluminized($$) with many optional high end features we all drool over but can never seem find in one system.. or able to afford. Headers would be a biggie(although tough to make a one size fits all without enough cars for guinea pigs), various merges, y's and reducers, slip fit/v-band, e-vacs, O2 bungs, etc, etc. As Bryant said.. this site is just the tip of the iceberg here and I seriously believe that more "high end" parts for these cars would sell enough to warrant the R&D and jigging costs(in the case of an exhaust). Far too many cookie cutter parts we have to make do with for our cars. Unfortunately.. as our values and desirability go up to increase the demand for such parts.. so will all the prices for decent spec parts. Simple supply and demand mixed up copious amounts of capitalistic greed. The system in this thread would have sold like hotcakes(here and in Brazil too) at that projected price point. JMO.
I don't think this forum is the best place to gauge interest. You'd probably be better off talking to your distributors about that and note what kind of demand they're seeing for a Maverick/Comet specific stuff. Personally, I think it's very unlikely you'd sell enough to justify the cost of putting the system into production. It would probably take a number of years just to break even unless you can work from an existing design that's already in production.