I just got my Maverick. It's a 1975 4 door with the 4.1L engine. The engine light keeps flashing after I let of the throttle. I have replaced the oil pressure sensor. I am really trying not to drop the oil pan to replace the out pump but I will if I have to. I just need to know what to check before I do that. Alittle more info. It does it after I reach 35mph or more, the light goes away when I press the brake, and it's not constant it just flickers until the speed drops.
Oil level is correct and it is the original tube and stick. And in mine the only lights are engine, alt, Seatbelt, and brake. So I think the engine light is for the oil.
If it goes out when you hit the brake it sounds like the oil is moving to the front of the pan where the oil pump pickup is located. My 302 does this when the oil is low, or if the idle is set too low.
Check your wiring to the alternator. The wire that clips on could be lose causing the light to go on. This happen to me. I let the engine idle and moved around the wire and the light would come on. At times mind would come on at high speed.
Does it come on at W.O.T. when the oil is being pushed to the back of the pan, or if you rev it in park?
It has been coming on more and more now. But usually it's right after I let off the gas. If I apply the brake though the light goes away. Now I do have a exhaust manifold leak and I'm replacing the gasket on that.
You should have five lights across the bottom of the cluster reading from left to right as viewed from the driver's seat, they are: temperature, oil, alternator, seat belt and brake. See the cluster diagram attached. http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/images/74-75PrintedCircuit.gif Figure out what circuit is acting up first, then check for loose connections before testing or replacing components (sending unit, alternator, brake system). Have you checked your brake fluid level lately?
There is only 4 lights. Don't know why I don't have a temp but I don't. And it's I am idling it usually doesn't do it.
'74 has 5 lights...'76-up have 4 lights. The gauge on the left is a '74...the one on the right is a '76. Notice you can read the words on the lens on the '76. You need light shining through the '74 lens to be able to read it. Also the '76 speedometer only goes to 100 mph while the '74 and earlier clusters go to 125 mph. The '74 has both TEMP and OIL lights. The '76-'77 "ENGINE" light is wired to both temp and oil sensors. If any one of these sensors read a problem the ENGINE light comes on
I got both sets of right gauges. So I guess the74 has no temp light. But u don't think it is the temp cause it just flashes when I let off the gas. I know I have a exhaust manifold leak cause I can hear it. Also I can head back firing or alittle bit of it when I let off the gas also. Already changed plugs, wires, and distributor cap and rotor.