Video has nothing to do with a 650 Holley! I think you have a bad/dried bushing in the leaf spring eye or a frozen shock. It's mot a differential question. SPark
How far to you have to turn the idle speed screw on the throttle primary linkage in to get it to idle? Are there holes drilled in the butterflys, if so where and how big? How much of the idle transfer slot is exposed on the secondary side? SPark
Got with groberts and my secondary butterflies were to open. Closed them down a bit and I can idle. Further tuning to come tomorrow. Idle screw is turned a few turns.. No holes in butterflies.
You want around .015 of the transfer slot showing on the secondary side. Only correct way to set it is with the carb off and looking at the slot from the bottom of the carb. You've started down the path of setting it, take it off and get it right. Also, with the engine shut off, hold the throttle at wide open and see what the gap I between the accelerator pump arm and linkage is. Hold the pump arm all the way down and you should have .015 clearance between the pump arm and the linkage. If it's too tight, you can trickle fuel all the time causing idle problems. SPark
My previous setting with idle issues was closer to the .015 and to correct it I had to come to where it wasn't exposed at all????
I checked the arms and they are spot on. To get the car to idle right I have to close the secondaries past the transfer slot. With it set with .015 exposed it does what it was doing in the video. My holley 600 vac secondary is closed about near all the way and it idles great......when I do that to the 650 it also idles good. Is this pointing towards a possible issue somewhere in the body of the carb?
Good move. I tend to do Vacuum on the street and double pumpers for race only. Yes, people seem to get away with a double pumper on the street but they aren't getting the best street performance in my eyes. Opinions may vary. If you have to completely close the secondaries, the carb is either way too big or the engine is getting air from someplace other than the carb. SPark
I didn't have to completely close the secondaries just close them past the transfer port opening. If i did that it idled great. I've been messing with it off and on as its just sitting there. I have it idling pretty good now and been working out some pump shot issues. First issue was I was using the blue cam on the secondary and for whatever reason the way its designed It only actuated the pump arm half what it should.... mostly because with it on I had to tighten / shorten the adjustable piece on the arm all the way so it didn't leave much movement. With that cam installed I got a lean cut out on hard acceleration. Switched to the red cam and that cam worked as it should moving the pump arm the full distance ( or what I think it should move ). Had it on pos 2 last night and now with the arm actually actuating the whole distance I was way rich on the secondaries. Anything but wot was fine but when I went on the secondaries I got a huge flat response with no acceleration. So going to move that to pos 1 and try it and if that doesn't lean it out I'll start moving down on pump size.