I originally posted in maverick projects that I had plans for a 4.6 in my 1974 maverick. I since changed plans. I bought a 1986 f100 with what the guy said was a 302 with a c6 tranny. The motor has a rear sump and oil pan hits steering linkage. So I ordered a front sump oil pan and pick up. The pan I bought is to long and obviously not the right pan. Summit racing says it should fit my motor unless I have a 351. My question is how to identify my motor. I found a plate on block says build date 08/96 had numbers which I googled and came up with nothing. I am posting pics of both pans. Any information is appreciated.
If you look to the right of the distributor in this pic...You will see a re-enforcing rib cast ito the block. This is only found on 351 Windsors...302s' will not have this rib. The pic of the pans you posted...The top pan does not look like a small block ford pan at all.
Thanks I'll check things out. And the top pan is the one off this motor. It has the slight jog in the bolt rail. The one I bought is straight bolt rail. Also I found this tag on block.
These aren't very good pics I'll get more after work. I'm also going to pull ac off so can see by distributor. Would a 460 fit between strut walls? Motor is in maverick. Oil pan hits cross member and steering linkage.
Judging by the water pump it looks like a 460 to me. I would guess if the oil pan weren't an issue everything else would be.
I pulled everything off the front. No cast web by distributor. I went ahead and sat motor on mounts. I have about a inch or so from valve cover to fender well
That engine looks like a 5.0 to me, a 460 wouldn't have efi until somewhere around 1990 same for the 5.8. I think they sent you the wrong oil pan. Also the 460 efi throttle body is in the center of the engine.
I have another pan coming from summit racing. Should be here today. Also I have more pics of motor and side clearance but won't upload for some reason. Guess if pan comes in and still don't fit back to square one. If fits then definitely a 302 just send wrong one in first place. Hoping for the best. I'll try pics again soon... thanks again guys.
That is definitely a 302. No webbing by the distributor and can tell by the shape of the valve cover.