After reading this tech article, I can't help but wonder why this hasn't been done to more Mavs/Comets...
He has it wrong, “Ain’t Broke, Modify It Anyway” or ABMIA, it's supposed to be fix it til it's broke!
As he said ^^^^ been done years ago.
I wanted to also do an IRS on y 74 Comet and contacted CMT Engineering and order a kit. After 5 months of trying to get it to work we have abandoned the project. There are just enough differences between the Mustang and Comet chassis it was just too much effort. There were aslo some safety concerns with the strength of some of the parts. Took a $10,000 loss on the project.
I would think that the width between frame rails is different between a 65 Mustang and a Comet but that could be fixed with different offset brackets - what were the other problems mounting the kit?
The width of the frame rail at the arch was ok. The main problem was the location of the mounting points for the connecting rods. The frame rails at the rear are wider than the Mustang requiring fabing new brackets. When we finally got basic mounting figured out there were shock clearance problems. When we got to the alignment shop was told "i wouldn't drive this across the street" due to the use of aluminum adjusting rods. Plus many other small issues. Just was not worth the extra effort and $hop Time.
For 11k or 13k you can get a C6 based IRS via AME... But unless it's strictly a track car...or you have more money then you know what to do just ain't worth it Now about 4500 to 6k can get you a c6 based 3 link or tri4 link ..more reasonable
I installed a heidts irs in my 66 impala... great rear end. nice and shiny, and you can pump just about any amount of hp you want, 700lb torque in the config I have.