So I was driving home from work today, and when I got off the exit, I heard a click noise. Not tapping like the engine was starving for oil, but a click. And it increase with revs. So I got home, and turned it off. About 10 minutes later I went out and started it, it still clicked, but not as loud or as bad. My smog pump has been dying, so it may be it, but any other possibilities?
That's the first place I would check. Use a piece of dowl stock and push it against the fuel pump housing to see if the click can be felt. I normally use a hose to my ear to find a noise. But I can not recommend this method as it MIGHT be dangerous. REMBER WORKING AROUND A RUNNING ENGINE CAN BE DANGEROUS!
I did that and it wasn't it. What it was, was I had a leak in my oil drain plug, due to a crappy gasket on the plug, which over the time of 6 months, or 3000 miles, leaked to about having 2 quarts of oil in the engine. I pulled out the plug and drained the oil and replaced the plug and gasket. Refilled the oil and started the car, it tapped for about 10 seconds, then immediately went away. Next time I'll make sure that I'm not dripping oil haha. No damage done though happily, cuz it was only tapping for about 1/4 mile, checked under the valve cover and no damage.
WOW! You did not notice a 3 quart leak? Maybe you should check your oil level more often. You should check at least once a week. My Opinion....
Well I had parked it for a while, and only took it to shows and stuff. But about 3 weeks ago, my jeep finally gave out, so I've been driving it again. I used to check all my fluids every Sunday, when it was my daily driver about a year ago, but I got outta the groove of it after I stopped driving it. So time to get back into it haha. This surprised me too, cuz this is the first time this has ever happened on it, it's never had an oil leak and it doesn't burn oil. But until I find another car, she's back to being the driver.