Bug bomb, spray carpet and seats, or ant baits and wait? Worried about chemicals on tinted windows. Car is pretty clean, new carpet, and seldom, if ever, eat in the car. But parked near outdoor ant sources.
Dam that sux.. Bait is my preference. Treat the area where the car sits and beyond.. Might also move the car a little more frequently.
Got to find out where they are getting in, where you park etc... Every few years we have them coming through our back patio area, I spray a barrier around the door and patio, works every time, drives them away. I'd even spray circles around each tire, any new one's won't cross the he barrier and the ones already in the car will soon run out of food. That way you don't have to spray the car directly.
Different ways to treat different breeds of ants ... If they are the tiny "crazy ants" or "sugar ants" .... use baits. Workers take it back to the rest of the ants, they all die. This process takes from weeks to forever .... I think I need to switch brands, currently dealing with this right now. If they are fire ants, sprinkle quick grits on the mound. This only works when the weather is dry. They grab the food, it dehydrates them, they die. If you put the grits down and it rains, congratulations, you just fed them. Gasoline works great on ants. Pour a little on the opening of the mound, they die as they come out, but not before sending out the alarm that EVERYONE should follow them, who upon hitting the gas fumes, also die. No fire needed. Worked GREAT for carpenter ants. If all this killing is not enough, you can also break out a magnifying glass, set them on fire one at a time .... not terribly efficient, but thoroughly gratifying. NOTE ... do NOT use the magnifying glass at the same time as the gasoline. Does it seem like I have put too much energy into making ants die? .... LOL! Seriously, I would use a barrier of pesticide around each tire. It should be the only path to your car unless it is touching some plants.
Ended up buying some heavy duty baits, parked the car elsewhere, and put the baits under each seat. Will spray around the parking area as soon as it stops raining.
For mounds, I like pouring boiling water on. I get a few pots going then go boil their @sses.. Sometimes they come back, but I get them again.
Dur!!! how do you think I found the bugs? I sat it the seat, and they were crawling all over me and then I found them in the passenger seat and the backseat. They are everywhere!