I have my rebuilt 302 comming next week. I ordered new engine mounts from Rock Auto (p/n A 2316 from DEA, same for left and right). When I install them, there is an offset between the left and right side. I can't believe the 302 has an offset, so what am I doing wrong? I see historical posts on this, but none seem to answer my question. See attached picture. Thanks!
Have you compared the hole locations to the engine yet? Those look right to me. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
No I have not. Maybe I'll just wait until the engine shows up. It just looked strange to me. I just want the engine to land right and start, no patientce!
Thanks, I suspect the left/right offset is related to engine rotational torque. If so, Mr Ford & crew knew what they were doing. Engineering, something we assemblers often take for granted.
The offset has to do with the staggered cylinder spacing, nothing else(right compared to left)... If it were about any other mfgr's engine, the driver side mount would be in the lead...