Well, I had pulled the distributor and carb to do some wire re-routing and when done restabbed the disty (same place as engine was not turned over) and replaced carb, fired it up and before I could shut it off it sounded as if the whole motor was......well there is only one sound like it and I knew it was valves hitting pistons, I pulled valve covers and every intake valve was bent and stuck open along with some pushrods, also something almost punched through the oil pan as it has a bulge and oil pours from the pan................car was running great before I did that bit of work, even if disty was off it would not cause that, it has obviously jumped time, why right then I have no idea. The argument for gears over chain obviously has merit. The damage is major and I just left it lay, I dread telling my son he so loved his car, we had so much fun but I'm done, we bought the best stuff and for it to do whatever, well it's neither here nor there but I'm done, the first motor fails on the cam/lifter and we spend way too much to build a motor that will last a long time, huh, it made it a month, I have enjoyed the conversation here and wish you all the best with your projects
Very unlikely since we purchased all the parts and built the motor ourselves, if it's a jumped timing chain it might be possible to get them to replace the timing chain set(which I would never use a chain again) oh whoopie, the $1200 heads are toast, something is coming out the bottom, what I don't know and am not even planning on looking then all the parts that would have to be replaced......no I don't think any warranty is available......it just kills me for my son.....
Geeze man, you are just having a hell of a time with that motor, sorry to hear something else went wrong, I can sense the frustration (for lack of a better term) in your words, when you settle down a bit you might feel like looking into it, I know I would, I would be too curious and have to see if it's something I did or a part failure, does sound cam/timing related in some way, you and your son have worked hard on it, and that is quality time spent together, memories neither of you will forget, let it be for now, talk with your boy and see what he wants to do, stock engines can be had fairly cheap, I am trying now to buy a 302 for just the 351w Edelbrock heads and the t-5 attached to it, guy wants $800.00, I don't need the block, just the goodies, deals are out there and maybe a stock engine would be okay for now, let us know what you and your son decide, I would offer you a stock set of heads for just the shipping but all I have are 351w parts.
that really sucks. i feel for you guys. you son must be devastated. i cant see how the timing chain could have jumped. i would suspect something got dropped down the intake, like a nut or bolt or several. if your heads are aluminum, they can be repaired. it does sound like a new short block assembly will be required.
Sounds more like a busted crankshaft. How else could every valve be bent, even if timing was off. Ya build it with proper piston to valve clearance so even if timing was off they shouldnt hit. If it was a rod it would probably only be one or two cylinders messed up. I feel bad for ya brother.
I know the feeling it was just earlier this year I killed my motor hard core Ive seen you around here alot and alaways asking questions trying to make sure it was done right but sometimes it takes something like this to learn JUST what went wrong and how to NEVER have this problem in the future with YOUR NEXT BUILD
Well, that is sucky news!! Please don't give up! Take a break, even if it's for a few weeks, but don't "throw the baby out with the bath water"! Tear the engine down and see what happened. By the sounds of things, it shouldn't be too hard to determine the root cause. I have a friend who has bought three $500 V8 engines over the last 5 years and had each one of them in his Pinto, running. None of them made it past the end of the driveway--leaks, lifters, bearings, you name it. Something ALWAYS went wrong. He is going to pick up his 289 from the engine rebuilders this week after a complete rebuild, break-in and dyno tune. It all costs money, but sometimes you 'tested' along the way. If I had any V8 parts that would help, I'd send them to you in a heartbeat! hopefully something will turn your luck around! All the best!!
I'm with Paul on this one. Like many of us on this forum, I grenaded a high dollar engine in my youth. Like you, I was devastated, walked away from it for a few weeks, came back and picked up the pieces and moved on. It was my fault the engine blew, I learned from it and have not blown up another since.
Thanks everyone, I was at a low point this morning over it and was tired from being up all night but I don't give up that easy, I have already pulled the heads but not the timing cover yet, here is what I do know, all intake vavles are stuck open on both heads because they hit the pistons so quick before I had time to shut it down, #8 piston is the one that the rod tried to go through the oil pan as the motor cranks and all pistons rotate except that one, attached is a pic of one head, they are both the same, I'll keep ya'll posted on what I find........................and not only will I fix it, it may end up a 347 stroker
Your close on what I'm suspecting, I have a feeling the key that holds the timing gear on the crank may have spun and let the gear rotate 90 degrees or more then locked up