Mojo and I met up at the NSRA North in Kalamazoo Mi. this weekend, Had a great time. There where 2352 street rods and around 20,000 spectators at the three day event, plus there was a huge swap meet. I found an 1975 Mi license plate. Our cars seem to be rare at these events. only one Maverick and one Comet at the show
BigDog and I finally were able to hook-up late Sat. evening after most of the crowd had left. He found me. Luckily, cuz I was just waiting for the traffic to easy up or I wud have missed him. I attended the event solo; my brother was suppose to come but was hospitalized that Friday. Anyway, I am glad I decided to attend - I had a vry nice time even thou the weather was not the best. I was surprised that many cars were there considering the rainy forecast. I hung-out w/ Rich and his friends/co-workers a big part of the day on Sunday (Great folks to hang-out with). I look fwd to hookin w/ them 2015.These events are as much abt the people and fellowshipping as the cars. This was my 5 yr attending this event, never disappointed. It wud be nice to see a few other folks w/ our cars attend. Since I have been going, I have seen 3 like vehicles, excluding my car 5 of those years. There are several folks here living in comfortable driving range of the event, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois even Michigan who might consider attending. It's 2.5 hrs from my home and a pleasant 140mi. ride. There is always a large contingent of folks from the Province of Ontario and they bring some class act vehicles. Two months from now I will see folks on here complaining they wish they could get out and enjoy the cars. I'm doing it now - while the weather is right - so "hopefully" the winter will not seem so long.
Great,looks like everyone was having fun.Didn`t get to go but they had a big meet in Ocean City Md. this wknd,I was up that way & saw a lot of cars going to it.