John My timing cover came with a small plug (looks like a little freeze plug) Not sure but your local auto parts store might have one makes sealing the hole easy. What's your plans for this weekend maybe I can arrange a trip to your house.
Allan Sunday looks good to me give me a call if the weather is not bad for you to drive up # is 636 456 4135 Thanks John
John, I've packaged up the pan, stick and pick-up. They have been assigned UPS tracking #: 1Z4928210348013630. They're coming to you via regular ground service. My '86 5.0's stock timing chain cover has a boss cast in it where the dip stick should go. A few minutes on the mill with a drill and it'll easily except the front dip stick. Wish I had the little freeze plug someone mentioned. I then threaded the hole in the block to except an 1/8" tapered plug. Thanks again. The internet and this site sure make sourcing parts a whole lot easier. And to find someone who needed what I have, while they had what I needed sure makes for some good karma. Don't you just hate it when your garage fills up with parts you may never need again? Thanks for saving my precious garage space and providing me with something that'll bolt on to my project. tom
Tom, I am sending mine tonight when I leave work I will forward you the shipping # when I get home. I am with you on sourcing out the extra parts WHO RAH
Tom your tracking # is 1Z X63 365 0340223321 You should be getting it in a couple of days according to their map!
John, Your pan and pick-up just arrived. No dipstick? Thanks for posting those pics. A Maverick with now towers, how nice! tom
Tom sorry in the rush I failed to put it in there it will go out tomorrow. I recieved my stuff today also I will say thanks for the other stuff. If it was a mistake let me know and I will ship them back!
all of the 351w/302 front covers that have a fuel pump boss should be drilled for the front sump dipstick. they never changed the tooling on these. any older applications where ford used the same front cover with a mid or rear sump pan (i.e. ....early broncos, econolines, f- series from '80-'85), ford did install a welsh plug in the hole
John, That dipstick would surely help. Everything else you sent was exactly what I needed. I'm hoping you're able to say the same thing. Thanks again, tom
Tom I am putting it on this weekend I am sure it will do me well again sorry for the confusion it is in the mail!!! Thanks John