Hi all! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile... been very busy doing some remote work in Austin. Last night we had a helluva windstorm come through Houston and this is the result! If you look towards the top of the picture you can see where the (Live!) limb snapped off to give you an idea of how far it fell! I'm just darned happy I had the temporary garage set up or it woulda smashed poor "Pegasus" Tracy
Wow that must have been some wind. Good to see the Maverick was saved. Now for the snapper was that all right?
Holy cow! Luck isn't the word for it! I'm sure glad the car and the family are ok. You ought to send that pic to the manufacturer of that temporary shelter... maybe they'd give you a new one?! Sam
That's got to be the luckiest Maverick in Texas. If that had happened to me, I think I would have had a heart attack. That must have been a pretty tough garage.
Hey Tracy. Glad the Mav survived the storm. The wind's been pretty bad on this side of town since last night too. It's still blowing pretty hard. While I have you here, I'm 'finally' to the point where I need those Powder Coated hinges we did so long ago. I'll send you a PM with my email addy and telephone number so we can get together. 'Good to see you're still alive. -Rick