Hey guys. Looking for someone to tell me what exactly this part is? It is on the passenger side next to the battery. The positive lead runs to it. Reason being there is a big ugly dual gold wire that is spliced into the red and green wire and runs through the back of the engine bay, through the steering column cut out and again spliced into the harness that looks to lead to the ignition. I would love to get rid of it but not knowing exactly what it might be for and why someone would do it might cause issues. Any help appreciated.
My guess is somebody bypassed the seatbelt switch through there. The elusive red button seatbelt bypass switch. Disconnect the wire...if it doesn't start, that is likely the issue.
How does this work? My car had the bench removed at some stage. Why would they do it? Will the car not start without the seat belt switch connected? What is the red button you speak of? I have a mysterious red button on the other side of the engine bay that looks like some sort of detonation switch! Same thing? Apologies for the million questions, things are a tad different to Aussie stuff of that era.
THAT is the red button. Came out starting late 73 or 74 model. Most of us have bypassed it and taken out the red button and the corresponding yellow (or green?) box with all the wires behind the radio bezel.
Thanks. I have the yellow box too under the dash. You have now given me more questions!! How does all this work, how do you remove this gear and why does anyone do this?