Hey guys. Will soon be looking into why my interior heater / cooling fan doesn't work. There is no response when turning it on. Had a quick look up to the fuses and they look ok without putting a meter across them. Before I put my back and neck out doing this, is there a common fault that might be an issue here? Any ideas would be great. Cheers.
The fuses sometimes fail without appearing blown... Next most likely is probably the switch, as well as resistor but high should still operate if resistor has failed...
i have found multiple times on many cars with glass time fuses that the clips that hold the fuses will corrode or oxidize and not be able to flow the current required by the blower motor. i will pop out the fuse, take some emery cloth or sandpaper and clean the clips with it. that always fixes it. honestly i have not had the switch, blower resistor, or fan motor fail. its always been corroded contacts on the fuse. im sure the others can fail but this is the first place i will suggest looking. it doesnt cost anything but some sandpaper so start there.
also this is a good time to do the fuse block relocation http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/fuse-panel-relocation.64243/
Thanks for that. After trying to get some fuses out and eventually taking the whole thing off for a better look, everyone in the street knows I swear now! What a crappy place to put it. Not as if the Mav is that small without other places to put it. Will get onto your fix as soon as I can, great resource. Your original post looks to be missing the photos but that may be just my phone. Will have a look on the laptop when I have some time. Again, thanks for the reply.
I did this mod and now changing a fuse is a piece of cake. I bet I can change a fuse faster than most people can find their fusebox.
the pics were hosted somewhere else and are gone. if anybody has pics of this conversion that match the descriptions in the article please send them to me and ill put them in. their are lots of helpful pics in the discussion of that article.
you may also want to put the blower motor on a relay by itself. I think there's an article on that somewhere.
Hey, your instructions seem pretty good without the pics but I will ask a question given they may not surface. It is as simple as taking the black panel off and bolting it somewhere better, like the kick panel?
there's one wire that is a little short from giving you enough slack to move it more than about 4" if remember right. its a simple deal to cut the wire and splice a longer piece in. then some creativity with remounting it is needed. there is a post in the article on a way to do that. over the hardest part is getting up under the dash to unbolt the fuse block. the seat is only held in with 4 bolts. its easy to remove to give you lots of space.
Hey. Just completed the relocation using your tips. Worked for me in under 15 mins. Must admit I haven't mounted the box yet as I want to change it to the blade type but great nonetheless. Took some pics given the others are missing. Thanks again for the tip. Great.
You know what? It must be. I tried deleting them and making sure they were the right way up but they save side on! The net knows where I'm from...surprised it didn't display them backwards too!