i checked out this grabber in a guys yard last weekend to see if he wanted to sell. the hood was so far gone i almost cried, well the whole body was in simular condition. come to find out it was a '77 clone soo i didnt feel THAT bad. still would have made a nice pile of parts
I have a Grabber Hood in similar condition - needs a NOSE JOB otherwise good ! For Sale $200 - Pick up only
My Glass Grabber Hood is hanging on the wall in my garage as a reminder to always put the hood pins on if you don't have a latch I like my new hood better anyways....it's only money right
I got 2 other grabber hoods,, they are buried and both need nose replacements. Rick, you gotta nice hood there. Dan and Lance, yes you are right,, it is only money,, same thing I tell myself when I do stuff like that,,, keeps me sane lol
I know this is late to the party and a bit deviated from the subject but I'm in the market (as many are) for a Grabber Good (w/ dual scoops) and have been out of luck in my venture for almost a year now (craigslist, ebay, junk yards in Northern California and Arizona). If any of you fine folk happen to be selling or know of a buddy who is, holler my way please! Thank you very much!
Well, you must not have been searching eBay too hard. A NOS one sold back in july: http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/nos-grabber-hood.100271/#post-1023324 Micah