Hi guys, it seams my Comet has something strange installed in the back, for sure those are not oryginal shocks and mounts. Can you post any picture how shocks are mounted to the bottom of the car? Many thanks!
so I have a wrong set of new shocks, they are with the same type of mounting as in the bottom part, so a bolt stcking out.
ok, so I need to buy new shocks, any tips on some performance shock? Something that will improve handling with stiffer and lower spring.
Buba, That sounds like shocks that would fit a 70-71 Torino, and perhaps a Mustang from around that time. I remember sitting inside the trunk to have bolt the shocks on my Torino. They really must have changed the upper mount, because Mavs didn't come that way. If there is a way to get a brand and/or part number from the shocks on your car, you should be able to do an online search and work backwards. Shock manufacturers will frequently list the applications for each model. Once you know that, you can look for other options that would fit one of those cars. One thing to be careful of is to make sure that the shock you choose has enough working range ... at least as much travel as a stock Maverick shock. Too little, and it may be possible to fully extend the shock, and that could potentially lift the tire, making for some very evil handling and possible shock damage.
I think I will fab a mounting for those Mustang shock that I have, becouse I can not find any performance shocks for my Comet, unless you have any tips what shocks to use.
The Torino (and maybe my 65 Mustang now that I think about it) had the shocks mounted through the floor ... probably through a cross-member for reinforcement. It was open to the top, in the trunk floor, after popping an oval rubber cap off of the opening, if I am recalling this correctly. I wrote this tech article a while back, but it applies to a replacement for our original shocks ... your upper mount is different .... http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/more-options-for-rear-shocks-for-our-cars.50105/
My 65 and 68 Mustang have exactly the same shocks as those that I have bought for my Comet, as you say they mount in to the cross member. I do not why I did not look at the old ones when I was ordering the new ones, but on the other hand Mustang Plus had them listed as the one that fit Comets. Just to clarify, I have the oryginal mounting, just ordered the wrong shocks.
My Falcon has studs on both ends also. Best I can remember...there's 3 layers of metal the shock's stud passes through at the floor pan
No, thank you, decided to go with the advices from the forum and buy a set of those that fit Nissan pickup, decided to go with those: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shock-Absor...:Nissan|Model:720&hash=item51c2245d61&vxp=mtr
Ah .... the joys of owning a Comet. You will see many incorrect listings for parts for Comets, mainly due to the fact that they didn't start in our body style until 71. It was an intermediate-sized car up until 1970. Many aftermarket companies will refer to their parts fitting a Torino or Fairlane, and spanning those years overlapping when the Comet changed body styles, BUT ... because it fit the early Comet, then, according to them, it simply must fit all the same years as that other model .... they are a bit confused or overwhelmed or didn't do enough research. A good way to be more sure a part will work with your Comet is to verify that it is the right part for a Maverick. But even that isn't certain in every case either ... I have repeatedly seen headers that, if you trust the company listings "will fit a Maverick or Comet" and then include a 351W motor in the possible combos as well, because they fit a Mustang with a 351W. Might be OK with a 302 Mav, but not a 351W.