I have a 2D Maverick Graber that I have owned since I came back from NAM. I'm tryiing to restore it and need to replace the front floor boards up to the fire wall. any body know who might have replacment sheet metal? I have yet to find anything on the web. e-mail joe.siedler823@gmail.com
Welcome to the MMB. Most people make the aftermarket Mustang floor pan work. It will take a little trimming but it can be done
did you find out why the floorboards rusted out? I returned from Nam 47 years ago, I had a 1964 Impala waiting for me...
home soldier! Welcome to the site and use Mustang floor boards! They require a little trimming but they work!
from Atlantic Canada! Have you checked the cowl for leaks by pouring a bucket of water down the cowl grille? It sounds like your torque boxes are going to need work, as well as the floors. As others have said, 1st gen Mustang pans will work and are about the closest thing we'll ever see to Maverick pans, IMHO. Got any pics of your car?