Hey guys my rear shocks are basicly gone on my 73 maverick, does anybody know if 68-70 mustang shocks would work? I want to put some coilovers on the car but dont know what to go with! Also i am tajing apart some spindals and will post some pictures in a day or two, the guy i baught my car from said they would fit but i just need some expert opinions!!:bananaman thanks againguys!!
To add true coil over springs, you would have to get rid of your leaf springs, add a 3 link or 4 link system along with new cross members - what some call coil over shocks are only stock shocks with the helper coils built in and, as long as you keep your stock leaf springs, you really don't need more springs back there
I installed Nissan truck KYBs on my 70 Mav and they fit and ride awesome. I still have the boxes if you need the part#. The FRONT are KYB (Gas-A-Just) part# KG4517. The REAR are KYB (Gas-A-Just) part# KG5447.
The best shocks that ate available for.the maverick are the Q series ftom Ridetech if you make a tri4 link, 3 link or torque arm in the rear for a coil over again..ridetech has a true coil over. next best wouldd be a hybrid coilover by Viking Performance
it depends on what spring ubolt plates you use. if you use the maverick ones then use standard maverick shocks. you will have to slot the holes in the maverick plates for the bigger axle tube ubolts to fit. if you the explorer plates you will need to get shocks with eyes on both ends that are the right lenght. lots of applications in that configuration so just figuring length is the tricky part.
Here is the KYB boxes with part#s for front and rear shocks. For everyone, the rear ones are unknown but these Nissan truck ones fit perfect and ride nice. Fronts are #KG4517 the rears are part# KG5447 (KYB Gas-A-Just). These are the best KYB Shocks of this brand for Mavericks.