I know most will say the most someone will pay. But geeze http://www.ebay.com/itm/131435138914?_trksid=p2055359.m1431.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT I kept bidding and it's over $50.00
Well, the standard ones will look fine on mine then LOL Was it an option? Also, the dual scope hoods, when did they come about? My 73 doesn't have them. Just curious.
I'll do the stock for now I guess. They're cheap too, but the detail of the other is nice. I'll decide later. Picking up the front end stuff from Mel and will get started on the front-end. I love working on a few cars at a time
My least favorite car right now, and will probably sell it when I finish it is that King Cobra. I don't know, it's nice, but not for me.
I may go up higher to be honest I'm bidding on it now. I like it a lot. The regular caps are all over the place. What years did that cap come on?
There is a nicer NOS one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-Ford-Ga...Parts_Accessories&hash=item3cf3bb1ddc&vxp=mtr Micah
Oh, I probably won't do them. The car will be close to stock, but I want to modernize some things. Kind of almost wish it had A/C. I'm still thinking of the Comet hood scoop on it, but I dunno. I keep remembering that Maverick I saw when I had my Boss. I want to do it like that one looked, but I can swear it had buckets and I think it was a pencil bumper in front, but I don't remember what the back looked like. It had made a very lasting impression on me. The Pinto and Maverick are definitely my favorite cars! Grabber blue and will have to get someone to design a c-stripe for it. Can't find those anywhere. This one needs a new quarter, I looked, sheesh. I found some and think I'm getting good enough to weld it on the car and cutting it off shouldn't be hard. I think I'll be grinding a lot and glad I have a slag hammer. I'm thinking of putting my 302 roller from the King on this. Would the blackjack headers fit? I can swap the Maverick 302 for the King. Or I would like a stroker kit for the grabber engine. Pulled the engine to do a better job on the engine bay. Ranting, sorry...
I saw those. That has more time and it may go higher. I don't know how many people are restoring Mavericks. I haven't started my search a lot except the front end and wheels. I know what I want this one to look like. How hard is it to tuck the front bumber, or is it easy?
Here's one for sale by someone here on the forum. http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/maverick-stuff-im-not-going-to-use.103098/#post-1048308
I think it just has to do with how hard they are to find in good condition. Yeah, $100 is pricy for a gas-cap, but in the long run, it may be worth it if you really like the look of it (I do).
"How hard is it to tuck the front bumber, or is it easy?" not hard...a 17 year old did this one... http://mmb.maverick.to/attachments/028-1-jpg.53750/