On line registration is open. https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eaauy3yp176d3128&oseq=&c=&ch= im going to take the maverick this year. if anybody is interested in doing a caravan up from san diego let me know.
Is the usual Canadian & Washington convoy coming down? I'm thinking about making the trip, but my 70's no show car.
this show has plenty of non show cars in it. ive seen some cars that look like they drove out of the salvage yard. i personally find looking at the too perfect show cars gets old fast. im more interested in the cars that are built for performance and seeing what they have done. also if you enter the show you get a goody bag and t shirt.
Corbin Your car will fit in just fine. I'am like Bryant if you see one show car you have sean most of them. If you are going to drive all the way down enter and be part of the numbers. One other thing we will be able to put your name with your face. jay