I made the hour drive From Lynchburg, VA to Roanoke, VA this morning with my dad and uncle to go to the 41st Annual MDA Car Show. There was a very nice Maverick there. I snapped a few pics with my phone, sorry they aren't the best! It was a '73 Maverick and from what I could tell from the VIN was a regular two door (code 91) and factory V8 car (code F) even though it was had to get close enough to read it well. The car looked like a fresh resto and was painted a very nice copper color and most of the trim was done in black. I think it was a fiberglass Grabber hood on it. It had black LDO bucket seats, 4 speed trans and some form of SBF under the hood. If anyone is in the area the MDA car show runs until 9:00 PM tonight and until 5:00 PM on Sunday.
It was hard to get the interior pics because the windows were up and I just got reflections. The hood was just part of the way open so it was also hard to try and get a shot of the motor.
That is about the same color that I am going to paint my Maverick this spring. I Really like his car also.
I liked the color too! I have always been a fan or orange, copper and colors similar to those. I wish I could have talked to the owner, but didn't see anyone around the car while I was looking at it. Hopefully it will show up at a local cruise-in this year and I will get a change to talk to him.
Wow.They did a great job. Nice seeing the black trim as I'm about to do the same. That copper color looks great with the natural lines the maverick has.