Not Comet or Maverick, but still Ford. I need the intermittent wiper wiring for a '75 Torino. Other years/makes may work, but I need one where the delay box has (2) red, (2) yel/red, (1) grn, & (1) blk/wht wire - 6 wires total. I really need to know where all the wires on the harness connector go. I know a lot of you have added intermittent wipers to your cars, but most use the earlier "needs a ground" switch with blade terminal connectors. This switch I have has pin terminals with "extra" connections... Thanks!
My Chilton online did not show a wiper diagram for 1975, but here is one for a 1974. It does not seem very informative.
Thanks guys! Joe, that PDF is perfect! Shows where all the wires originate/terminate. Rusty, I found one one similar to yours from Autozone, but the colors were all different. Both will help...
This will get you to a library in Indiana...there are chiltons you can reference...Password=Indiana
Thanks! I've just about got this thing mapped out. I'm trying to figure out the delay system, seems like it pulses just enough to move the blades (for one swipe) then uses a separate park wire to set them back down in the right place. Not sure if this is compatible with my motor that has only one park switch. Need to be sure before hooking up anything for a "test" so's I don't let the smoke out of anything...
Still having problems finding the right diagram. The one I'm working from (the '73 diagram that JoeB posted above) has two greens on the box instead of one green and one black/white. This could be important because mine (black/white) gets powered only when the washer pump operates, while the two greens box gets full-time power over one of the greens. Here's a map of my kit's switch/plug/box vs. the map I made of the '73 diagram. Check the green splice at the harness end and the black/white that doesn't exist. Good thing I'm retired and got plenty of time!
Step 1 for me, clean up the 1973 Torino diagram. --See attached diagram. Step 2 for me, clarify what parts you have in hand. Do you have a Torino Delay box? Are you using a Maverick Wiper Motor? What Switch are you using? You may have stated this earlier in the project...
Rusty, The pieces I have are allegedly from a '75 Cougar. I have the (pin-type) switch, sub harness, and delay box. The switch has no separate ground wire. The box I have does not match any diagram I have been able to find, but I don't have access to some of the Ford sites ya'll do. Googling, I can find up to '73 and from '78 on. Nothing whatsoever between the years of '74 and '77. The left-most drawing in post #7 is a sketch of the box/harness I have without the chassis-side connector drawn in. You can see from this diagram, my box has one BLK/WHT and one GRN instead of two GRN wires. The middle diagram is a direct copy of the '73 that you and JoeB posted. As you can see, there are differences between this and what I have (the alleged '75 set-up). I'll prolly just go out in the shop and start hooking stuff up if I keep failing to find a diagram that matches my junk...
If the only problem you have is with the GRN wire, then I say hook it up to the GRN heading to the wiper motors just like in the 2nd diagram. According to the '73 Torino diagram, it is a breakered feed circuit for the module and wiper motor. Your left most diagram shows them tied together at the connector. The middle '73 Torino diagram does not show them tied together in connector, but who is to say they are not tied together in the module? Put little 3A fuse on it while you test.
I've got that one too! Too bad it's been "simplified" to the point you don't what goes where. I'd be a happy camper if I could find one for the '78 detailed like the '73 is. I'm sure I'm over-complicating things, but I just hate doing something that I don't completely understand..
Yeah, that simplification is the "black box" mentality. It is helpful for extrapolation, but sometimes you gotta know what the box is doing.
Brings up another story. I posted all this over on the "All About Circuits" forum yesterday. Went back later to check and found my thread locked down for policy violation. They are so ate up with this libtard feel-good PC crap going around that they refuse to allow any threads about anything at all automotive-related "for possible liability issues due to non-factory modifications". I had to remove myself last year from the AMC forum I was on because of all the "PC" garbage they want you go through. Sure miss the old days of "anything goes" on first-gen BBS's back in the early 90's! Well, all except the 2400 baud modems...
Maybe one of these would help? Possibly seller would check for you? The one I posted is from a '76 Pinto/Bobcat manual...